We are a Spirit Filled Church in Kansas City and we love it when God’s presence falls in the house of God!
When the Holy Ghost falls on a person or a place nothing else matters. But the anointing and God’s move can change. As a church grows, evolves, and moves with the direction of God not everyone goes along it. It doesn’t mean we change our DNA, at the end of the day we are still a spirit filled church in Kansas City. When The Cure was birthed in Los Angeles God sent a mighty revival that reached into the very heart of neighborhoods over run with gang violence. Rival gang members, well known for shooting each other, were now worshipping Jesus side by side. Today the church that was well known for reaching “those kind of people” is now reaching everyone.
If we try to hold on to yesterdays anointing we will be a yesterday’s church. If you look at yesterday’s revivals we see that they are just not relevant today. Like the Israelites in the desert we need to recognize when the cloud is lifting and move when it moves. If we hang on to how God used to use us in the past we will be like old wine skins that burst because they couldn’t hold the new wine.
I want to talk about three men: Saul, Samuel, and David. Saul had been chosen to be king. But after disobeying instruction from the Lord he was rejected of God. He was no longer chosen but still wore the crown, sat on the throne, and carried the authority. He is yesterday’s man. Samuel was chosen to speak for God. He was today’s man. And then there was David, anointed to be king but spent years with no crown or throne. He was God’s man for tomorrow.
Now the Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? 1 Sam 16:1
King Saul had disobeyed instructions from the Lord not just once but twice. God was through with him. Though he wore the crown King Saul was a man of the past and God had already chosen a new king.
How is it a rejected man can still be anointed?
Many of us are just like Saul. We can carry a title, demand respect, and maintain authority but God has moved on. God can come upon someone like fire and they are going all out for God then they just…
They are stuck, frozen in time. No longer a movement but a monument. A statue whose only purpose is to remind everyone what God used to do.
Faithfulness can get you a position. But it’s only those who keep growing and seeking a fresh anointing that stay on the cutting edge of what the Lord is doing.
Like Saul yesterday’s man will be full of excuses for their disobedience.
“Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
As in obeying the voice of the Lord?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice 1 Sam 15:22
God cares more about your obedience than your prayer life. As a spirit filled church in Kansas City we can spend hours in prayer, remain faithful to church, carry a title and that’s good. However, God will look past all that to see if you will just obey Him.
Like Saul yesterday’s man walks in rejection. But yesterday’s man doesn’t have to follow in Saul’s footsteps. Samson repented of disobedience and God gave him a great victory before he died.
Then Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” And he pushed with all his might, and the temple fell on the lords and all the people who were in it. So the dead that he killed at his death were more than he had killed in his life. Judges 16:30
David sinned with Bathsheba repented and remained king until a ripe old age. Jonah repented in the belly of a great fish and God used him to preach to Ninaveh and the city was spared.
Saul was unteachable, defensive, and disqualified himself by putting himself above the Word of God. No one has to be yesterday’s man. All any of us have to do is forget those things that lie behind and press on to intimacy with God.
To hear more about this subject watch the message: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow