

Service Times:
Sunday 10AM & 6PM | Wednesday 7PM

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If you want to know who we are, how'd we get here, our vision, and what makes The Cure one of the best non-denominational churches in Kansas City click on this link below!



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Lead Pastors
Kelly & Esther Lohrke

The Cure - a Non-Denominational Church in Kansas City

Pastors Kelly & Esther Lohrke began The Cure, September 11th, 1993. They moved from California never having been to Kansas City. They had no idea what to expect, but they trusted that it was God who leading them. Twenty-three years later, a small group of ten people have now birthed twelve churches. It’s clearly evident that God led them over twenty years ago, and is continuing to do so today! Kelly and Esther have a saying, “Jesus is the Cure”. Their huge heart is apparent in their everyday lives and in how each member is greeted by them. To see nations and generations impacted by the transformation power of Christ. This is their mission.
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Redeem The Time
Pastor Esther Lohrke
The Proper Offering
Pastor Jason Avanzini
Seedtime And Harvest
Pastor Jason Avanzini
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18 Oct '24
Friday @ 07:00 PM

25 Oct '24
Friday @ 07:00 PM

29 Oct '24
Tuesday @ 07:00 PM

The Last Days Pt. 3

    We don’t hear much preaching about the return of Jesus.  So much that comes across the pulpit focuses on the here and now.  However there are more signs given to us declaring His return than Jesus’ birth or the Judgement.  Three hundred times the Bible declares the return of  Christ Jesus. One out of…


The Last Days Pt.2

The Mark of the Beast is a topic Hollywood has made movies about, bands have sung songs about it, but the bottom line is it’s not sensational entertainment but something the Bible talks about. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone…


The Last Days? Pt. 1

With all that is going on in the world, people may not want to hear about the signs of the last days.  However, the Bible prophetically declares we can know the future.  We can know and recognize the signs of the coming of Jesus. Have you ever expected a special guest for dinner?  Because you…
